What is PESA?!
PESA is the procedure of extracting sperm from the epididymis subcutaneously. In cases where a man has obstructive azoospermia, that is, the sperm production process is completed in the testicles but there is a defect or blockage in the sperm exit path, this method is used to extract sperm. During this procedure, the contents of the tubes adjacent to the testicles, called the epididymis, are removed with a small needle.
What is TESA?!
TESA is the procedure to extract sperm from the testicles. TESA is used to retrieve sperm when there are no sperm in a man's semen during ejaculation. It involves inserting a thin needle into the testicles to extract sperm from the seminiferous tubules.
This two method are used for men who have testicular problems, defects in sperm production and congenital absence of the ejaculatory duct, or who have previously had a vasectomy but have failed to return it to its original state.